Monday, February 28, 2022

Courtiers: the Hidden Power behind the Crown by Valentine Low


For over 25 years, Valentine Low has reported on the Royal Family/  He is the royal correspondent for The Times.

According to The Bookseller,  British publisher Headline has acquired Low's first book, Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown.   St. Martin's Press will publish the book in North America.

Courtiers will be published in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook on September 29, 2022. in the UK.  The US publication date is in 2023.

The publisher's synopsis states: "Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers–the trusted advisers in the king or queen’s inner circle–to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family’s path between public duty and private life. The Queen, after a remarkable 70 years of service, is entering the final season of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, Charles seeks to define what his future as king will be, with his court-wielding ever-greater influence as he plans for his imminent accession.

"The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan’s departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny."

Fiona Crosby, Headline's Senior Commissioning editor told The Bookseller:  "Courtiers will be a must-read for anyone with an interest in the hidden forces behind the British monarchy. Valentine is both a talented journalist and a gifted storyteller so we are thrilled that he has chosen Headline as his publishing home."

And from Valentine Low: "As a royal correspondent, I have spent years watching the public face that the royal family presents to the world. But I have also seen the influence wielded by the people behind the scenes, the hidden advisers who help make the monarchy what it is today. As we head towards the end of the Queen’s long and illustrious reign, this book will answer the question: who really runs the show? Who sets the agenda–and what happens next?"

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

People magazine The Queen's Private Pain

 PEOPLE Cover Story: Queen Elizabeth's Private Pain: Royal Family Scandal and COVID Are 'Going to Take a Toll,' Says Insider

NEW YORK - Queen Elizabeth's COVID-19 diagnosis comes during an increasingly "tumultuous time" for the royal family.

Despite the 95-year-old monarch celebrating her Platinum Jubilee this year, marking 70 years on the throne, 2022 is off to a rough start. In addition to her latest health setback, the Queen is also dealing with several royal family scandals, including Prince Andrew's settlement with his sexual assault accuser, an investigation into Prince Charles' charity following cash-for-honors allegation and the 2020 departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

"It's a drip-feed of negativity for the monarchy," says a palace insider in this week's cover story. "I've not known such a tumultuous time as this."

A royal insider adds: "It just feels to be one thing after another for the Queen. It's going to take a toll."

The Queen no longer has her most trusted companion beside her following the death of her husband, Prince Philip, in April — just one of the many deaths of close confidants that the monarch has experienced in recent months.

"There's a difference between being alone and being lonely," says the palace insider. Factor in even mild symptoms of COVID, and it "must be hard," adds the insider. "Whatever the symptoms, when you're feeling below par, having to deal with the other problems is really hard."

A new biography about Princess Ileana of Romania


Acclaimed Romanian royal historian and biographer, Diana Mandache has written a new biography of Princess Ileana of Romania, the youngest daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie.

The publisher is Editura Corint, based in Bucharest.  The price is RON 93.50, which is about $22.00.

This book is in Romanian.  There is a need, a real need for an English translation.  Princess Ileana spent nearly 40 years in the United States, where she died in 1990.  She also has American grandchildren and great-grandchildren.   

Of course, I want to be able to read it as well, and I know many others will want to read it as well.  

Diana Mandache has written several books in English.  

Monday, February 7, 2022

White House History Quarterly: The Queen and the US visits


Queen Elizabeth II's visits to the United States are the cover story for the latest issue of the White House History Quarterly, published by the White House History Association.

The magazine is available to order through this link.   The price is $9.95 plus postage.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

King George VI (1895-1952)

February 6  2022 is the 70th anniversary of the death of King George VI.   He was succeeded by his elder daughter,  Elizabeth, who now begins the 70th year of her reign, her Platinum Jubilee.

Here is a selection of biographies about the late King George VI.  John Wheeler-Bennett is the author of the authorized biography, but Sarah Bradford's work is more complete.