Saturday, March 25, 2023

Rasputin's Killer and His Romanov Princess by Coryne Hall

Coryne Hall's new book, Rasputin's Killer and His Romanov Princess is now available in the UK. The publisher is Amberley.  The book will be released in the United States and Canada on June 23, 2023.   American readers can now order a Kindle edition.

Christopher Wilson has authored a superb article about the book. 


Friday, March 24, 2023

My Dearest Mama is available to order!!


The letters between Queen Marie of Romania and her mother, the Duchess of Coburg.

This is the second volume of letters covering the years 1901-1910. The previous volume: DEAREST MISSY 1879-1900 is also available.

Order your copies of these fascinating volumes at